Saturday, May 18, 2013

We're Moving! To Weebly!

That's right! We're moving to! There are many reasons for us to move to Weebly's free hosting. But, most of the reason is because of the unlimited pages. offers great blogging features but lacks in pages, and there is no upgrading features. We will make this switch and POTCO Treasure will be deleted and moved to our new site! You can check out the progress here.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May's Boss of the Month!

May's Boss of the Month is none other than Edward Lowand! Edward Lohand is a deadly Assassin Boss much like Remington the Vicious and Neban the Silent, working in the shadows for the EITC. Not much is know about him since he is rarely seen. He has been spotted in Beckett's Quarry and the Catacombs. He has also been known to guard the jail at the top of Kingshead, and on EITC flagships.

He has appeared at Levels 28-35, so a pirate may need to bring mates or a crew to take him down. He is the most powerful randomly appearing boss. Although, he does not have double health like Remington or Neban, he can sure deal a lot of  damage.

Lowhand's Early Life

Lowhand worked as English Merchant for his father when he was a young child. He learned basics in nautical navigation. He soon applied for the English Navy and rose through the ranks. 

Lord Cutler Beckett soon scooped him up and trained him to become his right hand man. He is the single most powerful member of the EITC Black Guard next to Lord Beckett himself. 

He sometimes appears to check up on the progress of his men. He might not be experienced in  hand to hand combat, however this Assassin can outwit even the most expert fencer. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rising Red causing Pandemonium around Pirates Online

Yet another legendary give-away from the POTCO team! Many pirates are sinking ships non-stop, so they can claim that they have all the legendary weapons. Just 50 Norrington's Spyglasses will be released for access. That's right you cannot find this legendary in any loot skull chests and loot chests! Making Norrington's Spyglass the most fought after legendary ever! However, this pandemonium has not all been positive. Many players are threatening to quit POTCO because of the legendary spyglass that cannot be found through loot. Many people have said "Pirates is ruining itself." However, I feel that it really doesn't matter. I can just say "I have all the lootable legendary weapons." Really this should be in a class in all it's own, like a "Reward Spyglass" or a "Collectable Spyglass" or something along those lines. However I don't think this is anything to quit the game over. Pirates was just trying to do something positive for a change!
spyglassSo, I must wish everyone participating in the "Rising Red" competition a good luck! And be thankful that something is being added to motivate board players! How can we "Revive POTCO" if all we do is "yell" at the POTCO staff?!?!?!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April's Boss of the Month!

NebanthesilentApril's Boss of the Month is none other than Neban the Silent! Neban the Silent is one of the deadliest members of the EITC's Black Guard in the entire Caribbean, on par with Remington the Vicious. He appears at Level 28-35, and seems to be working as a taskmaster in the dangerous Beckett's Quarry on Padres Del Fuego, also usually backed up by other EITC and Royal Navy troops. He can be found in a lava cave near a group of Mercenaries, not far from the entrance to El Sudoron.
Neban MapNeban works as an assassin for Lord Cutler Beckett and is very hard to defeat alone. He attacks pirates with his daggers and throws with great skill. He has a very high amount of health points and can use all dagger skills, including Viper's Nest.
  • Neban will always respawn in the same location in Beckett's Quarry.
  • Neban's health ranges from 25,500(level 28) to 32,500(level 35).

Neban the Silent Currently doesn't have a backstory! We need your help! Create one and email it to us at!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Construction on your favorite resource!

We have been doing a massive overhaul on our website! Noticing that our limit was 20 pages, we have redone our presentation a bit! Our page now will consist of these 4 MAJOR elements!

  • The Main Homepage with all of our posts!
  • Treasure Hunters' Tips
  • The Side bar which will contain: Our legendary weapons tips and our boss panel. You can also find all of our different posts that we have posted on our Archives!
  • The Weapons Gallery is the most important element and useful tool on this site! You can search and compare where your weapons rank among all the weapons in the game! (To compare your weapons they have to at least be rare.)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Day for Lazy Looters...

Many pirates were thrilled this morning to find that Pirates Online were giving away a free legendary weapon called the "Heart of Padres del Fuego." This sword was apparently a promotional item to keep up the morale   of the player base. This would normally make me happy, but I felt no accomplishment in typing the "bloodfire" code into the redeem code window and getting a legendary sword. (It would've been even cooler if they increased the chance of this weapon to drop in enemies in Lava Gorge.) With the simple code spreading around Pirates Online like wildfire, I felt that this "rare" sword isn't rare! But, what isn't rare now might be rare in six months to a year! But, at least this sword is better than my old sword...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Server List Smaller!

POTCO crew reduced the size of the server list in order to "not only to optimize overall playability, but also to bring Pirates together in a closer community." Therefore, servers will be jammed packed with people. We can't get a good feel for the POTCO server line up will benefit looters, since it came out today, but we can say that it was what I wanted. Some servers had no players at all! Hopefully this will maximize looting too. With a smaller looting list will there mean less chance of getting famed, legendary, or rare items? We just don't know yet. More people looting at General Darkheart is apparently a good thing, so maybe this will boost legendary weapons! We'll post more about this soon!!! Happy sailing on the new server line up!